Business English
Telephoning in English
Do you make and receive telephone calls in English on a regular basis? Then now is the time to improve your English language skills. This course teaches you the most effective telephoning techniques. You will learn to find the right words at the right time. Active listening and questioning techniques will enable you to understand all phrases of your conversation partner correctly. Voice recording will help you to further improve your pronunciation, and exercises speaking over the telephone will prepare you for the typical audio quality of phone conversations. By the end of this training you will be able to truly understand and address your conversation partners interests and needs. Thus you will build up long lasting, loyal relationships with your customers.
A. Contents
Basics of psychology of communications - telephoning skills in English - business phone etiquette - customer service - telephone selling
B. Techniques
Types of conversations on the telephone - stages of telephone calls from start to finish - preparing for important phone calls - making and answering a call - professional salutation - express desires and needs - make a complaint over the telephone - dealing with difficult communication partners on the telephone - solving conflicts - securing understanding - dealing with voice mail
C. Putting techniques into action
Answer the phone - create a positive first impression - understand native speakers - ask for information - clarify and summarize information - address and deal with the customers questions - achieve the right tone when talking to customers - talk at the customers level - note important information - make listening noises - provide technical information to customers - deal with difficult calls - solve problems and conflicts - persuade communication partners - consider intercultural aspects - get to agreements on the telephone - end a call - leave massages on answering machines - use your voice effectively - build long term relationships with customers and potential customers
Das nötige Know-how wird anhand von anschaulichen Beispielen vermittelt. Praxisnahe Fallbeispiele, Einzel- und Gruppenübungen trainieren den Transfer von der Theorie zur Praxis und fördern so die intensive Auseinandersetzung mit dem Seminarthema. Die individuelle Bearbeitung von Fragen und Alltagsbeispielen der Seminarteilnehmer runden das Seminar ab. Bei Bedarf können Audio- und Videoanalyse zur Verhaltensoptimierung eingesetzt werden. Darüber hinaus steht den Seminarteilnehmern/innen eine online gestützte Seminarnachbearbeitung als Mittel der Transfersicherung zur Verfügung.
Datum, Zeit und Ort
nach Vereinbarung
Thomas Dickinson
Thomas Dickinson, a qualified foreign language correspondent, native speaker in English and German, competent in French and Spanish, has varied teaching and training experience. On behalf of Comelio he teaches managers in business English and English conversation. Former clients include CERAN lingua (an international language school), multinational corporations (Thyssen Krupp, Daimler), the Bundesverband Deutscher Volks- und Betriebswirte (professional association). He has also taught at RWTH-Aachen University and currently teaches English conversation at the college of further education in Mönchengladbach.
David Reinhaus
A qualified psychologist, David Reinhaus works for Comelio GmbH in the fields of HR and Organisational development. The focus of his work is management and leadership development, personnel selection and training, as well as process support in change management. David previously worked for a company that specialised in commercial and political negotiations; former clients include multinational corporations such as Siemens, RWE and Deutsche Bank, universities such as Frankfurt School of Finance & Management as well as mayors, members of the German Landtag parliament and German Bundestag.